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Reflections on my time as a Governor

Tim Dench

Tim Dench, who is stepping down after giving five years of service as a member of the EMCC UK Governing Body, reflects on his time in the role, and encourages members to consider applying for one of our two Governor vacancies.

We often ask our clients to reflect on the coaching matter in hand, and await with interest to see what bubbles to the surface. So here are my reflections as I step down from being an EMCC UK Governor after five years.

My first reflection is that I have got more out of being a Governor than I imagined possible. Yes, there have been some difficult conversations and challenging moments, but overall the balance sheet is firmly in the black and I am stepping down with appreciation in my heart for those I have engaged with during this journey.

Addressing the elephant in the room, and thinking about anyone reading this who might think about applying to become a Governor, why am I stepping down?

Well, quite simply, I retired from my full-time career almost two years ago. I will shortly sail into the sunset to follow other interests, and will therefore be winding up my coaching career as an independent as well. Because of this, I believe it is only right and fair that someone with more relevant, current and hands-on knowledge of the ever-changing and developing needs of our clients and the workplace joins the Governing Body team.

My second reflection is around the appreciation in my heart for those I have engaged with. Over the past five years I have met many people who are extremely passionate about what they do, compassionate in their coaching approach, very generous with their time, and who have natural talent to do a job they both love and are good at. I am amazed at the myriad interests that people have and how they have developed a coaching approach using this interest for the benefit of their clients. Above all, though, I am humbled by the generosity of the many, many EMCC volunteers, and how through their enthusiasm, the EMCC flourishes throughout the UK and beyond.

Finally, a reflection on why I became a Governor. I put this reflection last, as my personal reasons will perhaps not be yours.

Firstly, I came to coaching late in my working career, and because of this I wanted to connect with those who were more experienced than myself, so I could learn and absorb from them. My second reason was that as head of an internal coaching function, I wanted to represent the views of internal coaches concerning the development of the EMCC. Thirdly, having connected with many members across the UK, I wanted to be able to act as a voice for those who perhaps were not able to directly influence or provide input to the EMCC UK.

In conclusion, as there are opportunities to join the Governing Body, could I ask that you spare a few minutes and reflect on what you could offer EMMC UK, and what you might hope to receive as part of your own journey as a Governor?

We currently have two vacancies for the Governing Body of EMCC UK. Find out more here.