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Q&A with the Governors at the first Governors’ forum

woman in discussion

The benefits of EMCC UK membership, the value of special interest groups, and the rewards of volunteering were all discussed at the first of our Governor forums in June. Two of our Governors, Annabel Poate-Joyner and Penny Aspden, report.

It was so valuable to catch up with members and share information at the first Governor’ forum in June. This is an informal space where members are invited to come along and chat with Governor members about their membership experience and learn more about how governance works in EMCC UK. A key purpose of the forum is to increase the visibility and understanding of the role of the Governing Body with members.

Annabel Poate-Joyner, interim chair, gave an overview of the governance structure of EMCC UK, explaining the link between the Executive Board and the Governing Body. Annabel expanded that a key role is to represent the views of members at the highest level and ensure that executive decisions take members’ interest into account.

We discussed the benefits of being a member of EMCC UK, and how it is inclusive and affordable. There was appreciation for the regional networks, which encourages new coaches to meet colleagues in their area, sometimes at face-to-face events. Other key attractions mentioned were the accreditation programme, which is recognised globally, along with a huge array of CPD and training.

Annabel spoke about the benefits of being a member of more than one professional body, and how this can be healthy and fruitful. It was reassuring to hear how one member joined three coaching bodies when she qualified to try them out, and chose to stay with EMCC UK because of the impressive CPD offer and the tone and style of the organisation.

The forum provided the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions. One member asked if there could be an easy-view calendar to see all the events coming up on one page to help with diary planning. We’ve been able to feed this back to those involved with developing the new website and member platform.

Another question was about the purpose of a special interest group (SIG), as the member was unsure about whether to join one, and how to do it. Penny explained that SIGs are open to all members. Some SIGs have a core of regular attendees, while some members are attracted by the specific topic only and dip in and out, which is equally welcome.

We explained how as governors we are EMCC UK members like everyone else, and how fulfilling it is to volunteer, be involved and support fellow coaches. Whether it is keeping an eye out for regional network co-ordinator or governor roles, or providing assistance with SIGs or other forums, the support of members is always welcome, especially from new coaches. It’s also a great way to learn and gain new contacts.

One attendee kindly gave this feedback following the meeting:

‘Many thanks Annabel and Penny, for both your amazing volunteering contribution to EMCC, and explaining the complex governance so clearly. I really appreciate the CPD offer and that unlike other bodies my membership enables me to access many of these as part of the deal with no extra payment. I do feel and value being part of the EMCC community. Thank you.’

If this report has captured your interest, please come to the next Governors’ forum on 3 October at 12 noon. It will be great to connect and chat about membership issues and share more about governance at EMCC UK.

Annabel Poate-Joyner and Penny Aspden are both Governor Members of EMCC UK. Annabel serves as the interim chair of Governors, and Penny is also our North-West regional network co-ordinator.

Photo by Michael Tucker