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The Governing Body

The EMCC UK Governing Body exists to provide advice, support, and resource to our members as well as to the Board. While the Board is responsible for running the organisation, the Governors’ role is to ensure the organisation is run in the best interests of our members. The Governors do not have direct responsibility for Board matters, but they are guardians of the EMCC UK constitution, and have a governance role through which they are able to hold the Board to account. Our Governors actively welcome your feedback and input as members of EMCC UK. Their contact details, bios and LinkedIn profiles are below.

Governors, Directors and President

The Governing Body is intended to be made up of eight volunteer Governor Members, constituting the President of EMCC UK and seven further individuals. All Governor Members are elected, and the President is also elected to the Board of Directors. With the exception of the President, who is elected for a fixed three-year term, Governor Members may serve a term of up to five years. If you have any questions or would like more information about our governance, please contact our Chair of Governor Members. 

Becoming a Governor member

If you are an individual member of EMCC UK and would be interested in volunteering to become a Governor Member, we hold an election process when a vacancy arises. Announcements will be made to all members, and an application pack will be made available. For other vacancies, please check our vacancies and opportunities page.