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Frequently-asked questions

Find support with common queries below, or get in touch with our member services team on: info@emccuk.org or 01202 283920.


My membership account

Sign into your account (the Sign In link is at the top of the page). Enter the email address and password you used to set up your account.

Click the Sign In link at the top of the page. On the Sign In page, click the ‘Forgot password?’ link. This will pop up a panel where you can enter your email address. Once you’ve submitted it, we will email you a link to a page where you can easily create a new password. Once you’ve done that, you will be able to sign in using your new details.

If this still doesn’t work, please email us on info@emccuk.org.

Once you are signed in, you’ll find your account details by clicking your name at the top of the page. Look for the pencil symbol against each area on your account. When you click on this symbol, you can edit that section of your account.

First, please check whether the communication you’d like to stop has been sent from EMCC UK or EMCC Global (International). The logos on the mail will come from either EMCC UK or EMCC Global.

You can opt out of marketing from EMCC UK through your membership account settings. Sign into your account, and click your name at the top of the page to see your account details. Click the Preferences tab (shown below) near the top of the page, and then check or uncheck the boxes according to your preferences.


If the communication has been sent from EMCC Global, please email our colleagues at EMCC Global for advice on administrator@emccglobal.org

Membership fees and categories

Individual membership is £110 plus VAT or £100 plus VAT if you’re paying by direct debit. This price is for all individual membership categories.

A standard organisation membership is £300 plus VAT, and includes one individual membership. A premium organisation membership costs £1,000 plus VAT, and includes one individual membership plus one free CPD event per year. See herefor other organisation membership benefits

Organisation members receive a 25% discount off each individual membership if purchased through the organisation.

EMCC UK has four individual categories of membership:

• Affiliate
• Associate
• Professional
• Master

Find out more here

Our membership categories were introduced in June 2017 to align with other professional membership bodies. They use the same familiar language and criteria as other professional memberships, and they have a similar structure. They were developed in liaison with our members and volunteers through a work group. Before we introduced these four groups, we used categories such as Ind and a number (individual 1-10) which didn’t mean anything to our members.

The categories enable our mentor/coaches to select a category which demonstrates their capability or competence, and their journey. Please see our membership guide, which gives a narrative for each membership category.

Membership guide

The guide is an indication, rather than an exhaustive checklist. Each mentor/coach has their own rich journey, and all the possible variations can’t be captured in one table. The qualifications are listed as a guide – e.g. ILM7 or equivalent.

The guide isn’t intended to be used as a prescriptive checklist. For example, you may have other qualifications or experience and a different blend of coaching practice. When you look at your experience, skills and knowledge in the round, they should point to one of the four categories.

In summary:

• Affiliate – is for those starting out, or for people who have retired and want to stay connected

• Associate – is for qualified and experienced practitioners, possibly mentoring or coaching alongside another role, or with variable practice hours

• Professional – is for people mentoring or coaching on a regular basis, regularly and consistently undergoing CPD, reflective practice and supervision

• Master – is for those who are highly qualified and considered an expert in their field, contributing to the progression of the profession

We have put guidance in place to support our members to make the right choice in self-selecting their category. If you are in any doubt about the category to match your unique journey, please email us, and one of our executive team will contact you.

Once all of our membership has moved over to the new categories we will carry out some ’random spot-conversations’ to see how our people are finding the new categories and how they have interpreted their experience and matched it to a category.

We trust our professional members to self-select the category which best matches their journey. The random spot-conversations are to ensure that the information we provide is serving our members well and that their interpretation is consistent with ours.

Your EMCC annual subscription can be included when completing your tax return for tax relief purposes under ‘Section 344 Of The Income Tax (Earnings & Pensions) Act 2003’.

This is available only if you have personally paid for your subscription. It is not available if you expense, or if your company pays for your membership.

EMCC UK comes under List 3 of approved bodies.


We have regional networks operating throughout the UK, as shown on the EMCC UK networks page.

At the bottom of the page is a list of all of our regional hubs. Click on the hub nearest to you for details about networks, meetings and contact information.

If you visit the Events page, you’ll find a listing of all our upcoming network and CPD events across the UK. You can attend any regional or CPD event – it doesn’t have to be in the area in which you live.

No! We are an inclusive organisation and you will be welcome to attend any of our meetings.

Accreditation, finding a coach, volunteering

Visit our Accreditation page to see the different types of accreditation. These link to further information on the EMCC Global website, as accreditation is managed globally. For general inquiries, please email EMCC Global.

If you’re looking for a coach or mentor, please visit the EMCC Global website.

EMCC UK runs on a volunteer model, so we rely on our great team of enthusiastic and expert volunteers to support the work we do. If you’re interested in volunteering with us, have a look at these pages:

Volunteering for EMCC UK – which explains how our volunteering works, and why it’s so rewarding

Vacancies and opportunities – this is where we post details of volunteer vacancies, as well as opportunities for EMCC UK members to get involved with specific projects

If you would like to find out more about how you can contribute to the work of EMCC UK, please email us, or call on 01202 283920.