Our special interest groups offer a space to share and network with like-minded people interested in a particular topic or subject area. Open to members and non-members, these groups hold regular events, usually online, which often include guest speakers, panel discussions and more. The groups are run by our amazing volunteer coordinators, who support our members’ continued professional development. If you’d like to propose and launch a new special interest group, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us at info@emccuk.org.
If you haven’t already, do consider joining our Health & Wellbeing special interest group, which meets online once a month with guest speakers and networking opportunities
If you haven’t already, do consider joining our Coaching Psychology special interest group, where we share ideas, learn together, and contribute to the wider discussion around the practical application of psychology to coaching and supervision
If you haven’t already, do consider joining our Career Coaching & Mentoring special interest group which comes together to connect, share best practice, and learn as part of our ongoing commitment to members’ professional development and enrichment
If you haven’t already, do consider joining our Higher Education special interest group which provides a helpful forum to connect a wide array of people who believe in the importance of mentoring and coaching as a way to support staff and students in higher education
If you haven’t already, do consider joining our Internal Coaching special interest group, for those who want to enhance their effectiveness as a coach, and who are willing to support their peers through sharing practice and engagement in group discussion
If you haven’t already, do consider joining our Mentoring special interest group which explores all aspects of mentoring in today’s organisational, public and charity sectors, and provides support to mentors and those delivering mentoring programmes
If you haven’t already, do consider joining our Neurodiversity special interest group which supports neurodivergent people (whether diagnosed or self-identified) and influences positive change around neurodiversity in the coaching, mentoring and supervision professions
Our Supervision special interest group, which meets every quarter for informal peer networking or coaching, guest speakers, and panel discussions, supports effective, ethical and engaging supervision that adds value to people, organisations and our profession
If you haven’t already, do consider joining our Team Coaching special interest group which supports the development of effective, ethical and professional team coaching practice